GAX Axel Gundlach
Löwengasse 27 K
60385 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49 (0)69 46996111
Cell: +49 (0)151 14983437
Krebs Illustrationsstudio
Lothar + Natascha Krebs
Im Heegholz 10 A
63517 Rodenbach
Tel.: +49 (0)6184 952457
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Who ever copies or fakes our unique artificial teamartwork concepts or markets copies or fakes under false names will not only be criminally prosecuted under German
and International Copyright laws but shows himself off as a real ridicule person who needs to steal other people‘s ideas.
Copyright to this website 2011 ©GAX Axel Gundlach
PuzzlePicturePainting 1995/2011 und
PreciousPuzzlePlastix 1999/2011 ©KRAX
are original ideas of the artists
Lothar Krebs und GAX Axel Gundlach
„The Swarm“ 2005/2011 ©GAX Axel Gundlach
"CreativeChaosConstruction" 2005/2011 ©GAX Axel Gundlach
E.M.A. Event Model Army 1989/2011 ©GAX Axel Gundlach