EMA team presenting a 33m wide PPP
EMA team presenting a 33m wide PPP

Jede anspruchsvolle Teamaktion ist nur so gut wie die Leute, die sie durchführen. Hier muss nicht nur jeder Handgriff in der Durchführung der Aktion sitzen, sondern vor allem das Auftreten und die Ansprache der Teilnehmer sind eminent wichtig.


Unsere fleißigen Helfer sind bestens trainiert um die Ihre Teilnehmer bei der kreativen TeamArbeit anzuleiten und ihnen auf die Schnelle gute Tricks im Umgang mit den Malmaterialien zu zeigen und Anregungen für verschiedene Malstile zu geben.  Damit auch Ihr Bild ein überraschend gutes Kunstwerk wird!

our team makes the difference
our team makes the difference

Any interactive workshop can only be as good as its assistance. Our well trained team is the good soul of the interaction. Based on the Event Model Army - an animation and inprov theatre group GAX founded in 1988 - our onsite-teamsters are far more than just helping hands.

Throughout hundreds of workshops the team is educated to encourage your guests and make them learn instant tricks how to handle paint, brushes, paper and create artistic effects in different styles on the canvas. That is how we bring out the best in your guests and make the artwork become far better than just naive painting.

We have about 30 teamsters in constant training but on big events the crew grows up to 80 to handle groups with 2800 participants. They know all the logistic by heart so that from building to cleaning everything is done in perfect harmony.

the perfect mix of artists, craftsmen and entertaining hosts
the perfect mix of artists, craftsmen and entertaining hosts
Even the best team needs constant training so that we can show the participants all kinds of tricks and dodges
Even the best team needs constant training so that we can show the participants all kinds of tricks and dodges


co. GAX Axel Gundlach

+49 69 46996111




step 1:
Call us! create great symbols and structures with the help of KrAX to visualize your most important messages and make them become a piece of art of great value!

step 2:
involve your target group in an entertaining creative interactive process to let everybody become part of your message!


step 3:

add a unique emotion with the surprising presentation of the fascinating piece of art that was created by your team and enjoy the instant feeling of corporation at its best! 


step 4:

connect your message with the deep emotion and make your content truly unforgettable for a very long time!


step 5:

own a really meaningful piece of art and use the big pictures and artworx as permanent exhibits and follow-ups to always represent your messages in your target groups!


5 steps to your best event ever
5 steps to your best event ever