same idea but a different effect: the participants themselves do the final building of the wall of art
same idea but a different effect: the participants themselves do the final building of the wall of art

Die PPP Wand der Kunst ist eine Variation der PuzzlePicturePaintings, bei der statt auf gerahmten Leinwänden auf speziellen Leinwandplatten gemalt wird. Diese sind auf Pappwürfeln aufgebracht, die später ermöglichen, dass die Teilnehmer sich ihr finales Kunstwerk selbst zusammenstapeln.

Statt des Effekts der überraschenden Enthüllung fügen die Teams hier ihren Würfel selber ein und sehen so das Gesamtmotiv langsam wachsen.

the participants paint on special canvas plates that are glued to paper cubes
the participants paint on special canvas plates that are glued to paper cubes

The PPP Wall of Art is just a variation of the PuzzlePicturePainting replacing the canvas on frame by canvas plates on cubes what creates the possibilitiy that the particiants themselves can do the final fusion of the artwork. 

The effect of the final presentation is different. instead of the surprise unveiling in this case the teams fit their piece of art into the big picture.

when later the paint is dry each team picks up their cube ...
when later the paint is dry each team picks up their cube ...
... and place it in the wall of art
... and place it in the wall of art
so they can watch the artwork grow until it is completed to be explained
so they can watch the artwork grow until it is completed to be explained


co. GAX Axel Gundlach

+49 69 46996111




step 1:
Call us! create great symbols and structures with the help of KrAX to visualize your most important messages and make them become a piece of art of great value!

step 2:
involve your target group in an entertaining creative interactive process to let everybody become part of your message!


step 3:

add a unique emotion with the surprising presentation of the fascinating piece of art that was created by your team and enjoy the instant feeling of corporation at its best! 


step 4:

connect your message with the deep emotion and make your content truly unforgettable for a very long time!


step 5:

own a really meaningful piece of art and use the big pictures and artworx as permanent exhibits and follow-ups to always represent your messages in your target groups!


5 steps to your best event ever
5 steps to your best event ever