Anybody can be part of our inspiring art happenings. We have done a lot of KrAXWORX with internal groups from leadership meetings down to all employees of a factory.


On the other side we have as well used our art happenings in gala events and incentives with important clients or opinion leaders of companies from nearly all branches - all of them became screen heroes.

Groups can be international: creating fine arts like music is an international language anyway.

We can start with small groups from 40 participants and can work with up to 4000 people in one event. 


Eigentlich eignen sich unsere inspirierenden Kunsthappenings für jedermann. Wir haben unsere Teamkunstwerke mit Mitarbeitern von der Führungsebene bis hinunter zur kompletten Belegschaft einer Fabrik durchgeführt.


Auf der anderen Seite haben wir solche Kunsthappenings bei Gala-Veranstaltungen und Incentives auch mit externen Kundengruppen oder Meinungsbildnern aus fast allen Branchen gemacht - und durch uns wurden alle zu Leinwandhelden!

Nuestros conceptos son implantables en todo tipo de evento y con todo tipo de personas.

Los hemos realizado con grupos de alta gerencia tanto como con todos los empleados de una fábrica. También funciona perfecto en reuniones y galas con clientes importantes o conferencias con miembros de ramas industriales y económicos diferentes No importa que los grupos sean internacionales: El lenguaje del arte es internacional y luego se transmiten multiples aspectos de las varias culturas.



co. GAX Axel Gundlach

+49 69 46996111




step 1:
Call us! create great symbols and structures with the help of KrAX to visualize your most important messages and make them become a piece of art of great value!

step 2:
involve your target group in an entertaining creative interactive process to let everybody become part of your message!


step 3:

add a unique emotion with the surprising presentation of the fascinating piece of art that was created by your team and enjoy the instant feeling of corporation at its best! 


step 4:

connect your message with the deep emotion and make your content truly unforgettable for a very long time!


step 5:

own a really meaningful piece of art and use the big pictures and artworx as permanent exhibits and follow-ups to always represent your messages in your target groups!


5 steps to your best event ever
5 steps to your best event ever